Draping is an essential part of a massage session, which allows the therapist access to the massage area, while maintaining modesty of the client. It is important that you as a client feel secure and safe whilst on the table of any therapist.

While most draping styles remain the same, my Lomi Lomi sessions call for a more minimal approach, understanding that minimal does NOT mean without! This page will help you to decide if Lomi Lomi massage is the right service for you.


The minimal drape allows for long, full body strokes, which helps to create a more connected feel throughout the body. Where most sessions focus on individual body parts, the long, head to toe strokes allow the body to integrate an understanding that it is more than just a sum of parts, but a whole system working together as one. The minimal drape allows the Lomi practitioner to move around the body in a seemingly unordered path, which then truly allows the client to fully relax and "zone out", rather than follow and anticipate the "therapists' routine".The minimal drape is for people who are comfortable with more exposed skin than with the regular draping styles. This also means less breaks in massage flow, as less time is spent on undraping and re-draping.

The minimal drape is not suggested for clients who may have personal body issues, or clients who may be nervous about getting massage from a stranger.

My Relaxation Massage service uses a regular conventional drape, and is advised for anyone who may not be comfortable with a minimal drape.

min drape post min drape ant male min drape ant female

The minimal drape exposes the gluteal regions to allow massage strokes to seamlessly connect the lower body to the upper body. The client must be comfortable with skin on skin contact.

This drape will also expose the abdominal region for abdominal massage. For females this includes a breast drape. Males may request a breast drape, should they be uncomfortable with exposure of the chest/ pectoral region.

Should a client feel uncomfortable with any of these methods, then my Relaxation Massage session is recommended.

I offer this draping information to help clients feel informed, and take control of their sessions. I understand that getting a massage for the first time, or with a new therapist, may feel like there is a lot of guess work involved, and it is my hope that clients will turn up to a session informed and at ease, ready for their massage experience.

Lee Brearley
LMT# 25644
503 908 4788
15431 SE 82nd Dr. Suite J
Clackamas OR, 97015
please note Suite J is on the 2nd floor, and has no elevator or wheelchair access.
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